
Reserve the cabin of your preference! There will be cabins available depending on your choice of activities - whether you like to stay up a bit later and socialize or have a quiet evening and turn in early.

Cabins Available at Rock Springs will include:

Frida Fiesta- Socializing, night-owl with Host Lynn Felts

Georgia O'Keeffe- Zen, winding down with a book or yoga with Host Kathy Schroeder

Andy Goldsworthy- Man vs. Nature with Host Braden Brown

Van Goghing Goghing Gone- Reflection/share of workshops, early to bed with Host Renee Fritts

Everyday Expressionist- Little mix of everything! with Host Natalie Brown

We will do our best to place everyone in the cabin of their choice but cannot guarantee your first choice if it fills up prior to your registration being processed.

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